Location: Santa Clara Railroad Museum
1005 Railroad Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050


We will be having two mini-talks by our knowledgeable members for the speaker portion. The speakers, their topics, and their BIOs are:

“Backbulbs, What Are They and Why Do We Care?” by Bill Weaver

I intend to explain what Cymbidium backbulbs are & how they are different from the pseudobulbs produced by other orchids. And the best part, how we can use them to make exact duplicates of our favorite orchids!

Bill Weaver was a plant geek starting at an early age, dumpster diving at the local nursery looking for cuttings and plants that he could rescue. When he went away to college, he took along his terrariums of carnivorous plants. That was where he “met” his first orchid. It was an unnamed white Cymbidium purchased at a drive-in theater flea market. This led to an ever-growing collection of orchids under lights in his little Palo Alto apartment. Moving to Sunnyvale, once he filled up his back yard, he started renting space in Half Moon Bay. Over 15 years now, he has expanded to over 10,000 square feet there. After 37 years as a Customer Engineer at Hewlett Packard, Bill has retired and makes his ‘orchid money’ helping other growers with their greenhouses and repotting. He grows mostly Cymbidiums, Laelias, and other cool growing orchids. Over the years Bill’s plants have been awarded HCC, AM and one FCC from the American Orchid Society, as well as several CCM and CCE awards for his giant specimen plants. He also has a lovely orange Cymbidium named for him.

“Controlling My Greenhouse Environment” by Conrad Kumata I will be talking about the equipment I use and what works for me. Hopefully it’ll give folks some ideas they might use in their own growing habitat.

Conrad is a long-time Malihini member. He is quite knowledgeable in growing orchids. Conrad is always eager to help new members with questions, and eager to help our orchid society.

Plant table

Weegie Caughlan will be donating 23 Cymbidium back bulbs with growths of least 12” of leaf growth. We might hold back a few for another month’s plant table, if there are less than 19 members attending. For BBs this size, Weegie charges $15 each. This gives a total of $345 for the value of the plant table. Since she knows we are trying to restart Malihini, she will donate the table at no cost to Malihini Orchid Society. Thank you for your generosity Weegie! The following is a list of Cymbidium backbulbs Weegie donated: Plants for MOS from Weegie Caughlan All Back Bulbs are from plants of show quality if grown well. Half are from previously awarded divisions. AM/AOS HCC/AOS S/CSA B/CSA Award of MeritHighly Commended CertificateSilver Cymbidium Society of AmericaBroze Cymbidium Society of America

1) Autumn Crisp ‘Cinnabar’ HCC/AOS, S/CSA (Claude Pepper x Thanksgiving) orange standard 2) Fancy Dolly ‘Snowball’ Small white novelty 3) Fire Beauty ‘Cinnabar’ HCC/AOS, B/CSA (Firewheel x Red Beauty) Early blooming rose standard 4) Gladys Whitesell ‘Contrast’ (Fifi x parishii) Sparkling white pendulous Novelty with a bright red band on lip 5) Helen Tangcay ‘Charming’ AM/AOS, S/CSA (Dorothy Rowe x Hazel Tyers) large medium rose standard. 6) Jack Halpern (Redondo Sunset x Galette) Yellow standard with scarlet markings on lip 7) Jack Halpern ‘Citrine’ (Redondo Sunset x Galette) Well shaped, solid, bright yellow standard with scarlet on lips. May be awardable. 8) Joan’s Charisma ‘Windermere’ (Joan’s Charisma x self ) White standard with red marks on lip. 9) Joan’s Charisma ‘Windermere’ (Joan’s Charisma x self ) White standard with red marks on lip. 10) Olympus ‘Albens’ AM/RHS (Alexanderi x Vesta)Open form, small, antique white standard 11) Pure Sarah ‘Starburst’ HCC/AOS. (Sarah Jean x Pure Destiny) Pendent soft green novelty 12) Rina Soto ‘Berries ‘n Cream’ (Ruth Kallman x Valley Splash) Cream to white Standard with blush markings on segments and on lip. May be awardable if well gown. 13) Royale Fare ‘Number 5’ HCC/AOS, B/CSA (Trigo Royale x Fanfare) Early, yellow green Standard for the early shows. 14) Squogre ‘Lemon Mist’ HCC/AOS (Icho Tower x So Bold) Well-formed green standard. 15) Tower of Fire ‘Loyola’ HCC/AOS (Electric Ladyland x Icho Tower) Burnt orange standard of excellent form. (Weegie’s favorite from the cross) 16) tracyanum ‘Herbert Passage’ Open formed, dark green standard species with dark burgundy veins. Fragrant early bloomer. 17) Valley Splash ‘Awesome’ HCC/AOS, B/CSA (Vivacious x Hazel Tyers) Cream standard with rose overlay. 18) (Woody Wilson x Joan’s Charisma) Large white std. Unregistered Loren Batchman hybrid