Bill Weaver - Backbulbs / Conrad Kumata - Greenhouse Control
Location: Santa Clara Railroad Museum
1005 Railroad Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050
The President's Message
Wow! Just, wow! I have to admit that I was worried that there might not be enough people at the meeting or there might not be enough snacks. Boy was I wrong!! We had 23 people at our first meeting, eight new members joined and paid dues and there was enough food to feed an army! Thank you to everyone who came and to all those that brought food.
Angelic gave a talk on scented orchids pointing out the wide variety of fragrances available from a plant that many people don’t think has a scent at all. We wrapped it all up with a great raffle table supplied by Angelic.
Just a reminder, at the December meeting will have elections! We’ve had the same officers for some time now. Maybe now is the time for you to step up and pitch in… At least think about it won’t you? -
The President's Message
Welcome back everyone! The Malihini Orchid Society is back!
Meetings set to restart in November 2024!
Welcome back!
We are meeting the second Friday of the month at 7:30PM
Santa Clara Railroad Museum
1005 Railroad Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050 -
Meetings now at Main St Cupertino on Stevens Creek Blvd
Main Street Cupertino (near Vallco Mall)
19479 Stevens Creek Blvd. (Room 110)/Cupertino CA
As you enter MSC (Main Street Driveway) from Stevens Creek Blvd., you will keep going straight until you can’t anymore (will see Panino Giusto ahead)
See the corner building on the left
Our room (19479 Stevens Creek Blvd.) is at the left corner
This is where we had the 2019 Show on April 6th & 7th
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